From The Board of Heartland Art Club
Shared Thoughts of a Beloved Friend
Spencer Meagher (1961-2024) was a beloved Founding and Signature Member of Heartland Art Club. He was a strong supporter of our mission, and we continue to offer his work in the gallery. We are deeply saddened by his passing. Heartland Art Club would like to commemorate his life and honor Spencer with a Memorial Award to be offered annually at the Membership Showcase Exhibition, beginning this summer. If you would like to donate to his award fund, please use the link below.
From Shawn Cornell –
On March 24th Spencer Meagher was laid to rest in the small town of Geff, IL. Filled with emotionally etched faces, the standing-room-only service was a true testament to his brief yet well-spent time on earth. It was difficult seeing him lying there dressed in his painting garb. It was difficult knowing that those talented hands were now still. It was difficult.
What never was difficult was calling him a friend. A friend of humble manners and infectious humor, a tease followed by a big smile was always part of any Spencer encounter.
What never was difficult was being inspired by his strong faith and openness to talk about things that held far deeper undertones than those painted on any canvas during the day.
What never was difficult was presenting Spencer with countless awards at plein air events. He was always so surprised when one of his paintings earned one or two, or even three of them. And honestly, he shouldn’t have been surprised since his watercolors would instill inspiration into a cabbage plant and warm glory into a sunset. But that was Spencer, a gracious and unassuming talent.
From Farley Lewis –
Spencer was a dear friend a great encourager and a fantastic painter. He was always ready to help me, as I came into plein air painting several years after he did. I loved how he was so easy to talk with, easy to laugh with, easy to spend time with. And I never had to worry about what he was thinking – he would come right out and tell me. And I knew he would shoot straight with me when I asked him to critique a painting. I will miss him dearly.
From Nyle Gordon –
Like Spencer, I make my living as an artist. It’s a great honor to call Spencer a friend! I first met Spencer 10 short years ago at a painting competition. After getting to know each other at the very grueling events, we started traveling together, sharing expenses and a lot of time. Spencer was built for these events, where we started early in the morning painting outside in all kinds of weather. His discipline and preparation were admired by all. I can honestly say, there are very few people I would spend that much time with voluntarily. I thoroughly enjoyed Spencer’s company.