Featuring the photographs of J.B. Forbes and the illustrations of Bob Shay
Starting June 15, view over 50 works by Post-Dispatch Chief Photographer, J.B. (James) Forbes and former Post-Dispatch news artists, and current illustrator, teacher, Bob Shay at the Galleries at Heartland Art Club.
J.B. (James) Forbes’ interest in photography may have started at a young age in Prairie Village, Kansas, when his dad brought home an early Polaroid camera. His dad, James Forbes, Sr., still has the first photo his son made with the camera – a close-up of a rose. Sports editor for his high school newspaper, Forbes led his cross-country team to a state title. He attended the University of Kansas partially because he wanted to meet and run with his boyhood hero – fellow Kansan, Olympian and world record holder Jim Ryun. Ryun, a photojournalism major, introduced him to instructors at KU’s William Allen White School of Journalism. Then Ryun, working part-time at the Topeka Capital Journal, introduced Forbes to legendary photo editor Rich Clarkson and several of the world-class photographers on staff. Deciding to major in photojournalism, the next year Forbes was runner-up for College Photographer of the Year.
He commuted to Topeka where he worked part-time in the Capital Journal’s photo lab. Upon graduation in 1972, Forbes worked for the Parsons (Kansas) Sun and the now defunct Miami (Florida) News. Since 1975, Forbes has been at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, first as a photojournalist, then Director of Photography, and then as Chief Photographer (he retired in 2021). He specialized in sports photography early for the Post-Dispatch and freelanced for the Sporting News. He was in the first class to win first place awards in both the Pro Football and the Pro Baseball Halls of Fame annual contests. Since 1980, he has traveled to 27 countries for the Post-Dispatch, covering wars, earthquakes, medical missions, current events and conflicts. Forbes has been the NPPA Regional Photographer of the Year three times and runner-up five times. He has been honored by the Overseas Press Club, the Missouri Interscholastic Press Association, Amnesty International, the National Headliner Public Service Award, and the Society of News Design. Forbes was on the team covering the Kirkwood City Hall shootings in 2008 that won awards from the National Headliner’s contest, Sigma Delta Chi and the Pulitzer Prizes as a finalist.
Bob (RJ) Shay began his journey into illustration while still in college at SIUE where he worked for the student newspaper and yearbook illustrating editorial cartoons, covers and posters. He also convinced the local newspaper, The Edwardsville Intelligencer that his editorial art could be a big plus and a couple times a month practiced his caricature talent on local politicians. Bob started developing his black and white pen and ink style while in high school having been the willing hostage of Mad Magazine and their lineup of the best humorous artists in the country. Renowned artists, Mort Drucker, Jack Davis and Wally Wood stood out as drawing heroes he admired and tried to emulate.
SIUE did not have a graphic arts program at the time and he had to experiment and self-learn while not in class or supporting the local college hangout. Fast forward a couple years while driving a 54’ Ford F150 with a leaky radiator and sleeping on a friend’s couch did he reach out to the Post-Dispatch. He was able to reach the head news artist, Amadee Wohlschlager who invited him to review his portfolio. A short while later, Bob was summoned by the Post to try out for a position. He had one week as they had been trying out a number of different people. Since black and white illustration was the most prevalent at the time, Bob felt he had a pretty good chance.
A couple weeks later, he received the call that created a position that he would hold for over 9 years. Those years as a news artist and its recognition allowed Bob to pursue many outside opportunities in the world of advertising and build a successful freelance business. He purchased a historic building in Benton Park West, renovated it and bid farewell to the Post-Dispatch. Through the years numerous artists, photographers, designers, freelancers and film production called the studio home. Bob credits the newspaper for allowing him to practice different styles, techniques, art materials and most importantly… the ability to work quickly! Everything was a deadline right now!
Experience over 40 years of images and stories these two St. Louis icons have delivered to the public through the printed page June 15 – July 23 at the Galleries at Heartland Art Club.
Conversation with J.B. Forbes and Bob Shay
Saturday, June 25 at 7:00 PM
The Galleries at Heartland Art Club
101A W. Argonne Dr.
Kirkwood, MO 63122
Please note that because seating is limited (30), all attendees must RSVP for a ticket below. We look forward to seeing you there!
Thank you to everyone who registered! This event is full!