Jane Flandars’ “Hostas” won the Spencer Meagher Use of Light Award.
Featuring more than seventy-five works from members, the annual showcase generated palpable excitement, awards, refreshments, even newly installed fans.
By Kara Dicker
The Galleries at Heartland Art Club opened its Members’ Showcase July 26 to a packed reception honoring more than seventy-five works representing an array of mediums and celebrating the vast spectrum of representational art.
“It was an exciting and fun show,” Dale Dicker said. Dicker, a member of Heartland Art Club for the past two years, works in metal sculpture. “I have so much respect for the talent on display here,” he said.
The annual event, which began in 2019, honored participants with eight awards, including the new Spencer Meagher Use of Light Award, which is a tribute to the late Spencer Meagher, a beloved member of Heartland Art Club and the plein air community. Jane Flandars received this award for her acrylic painting “Hostas.”
Dennis Babbit, who won first place last year, served as this year’s judge, taking time to explain the merits of each piece he awarded. In addition to the awards, the twelve members of Heartland Art Club were recognized for earning Signature Membership through the recent juried review, which is held every two years.
Michael Halbert, who won first place for his scratchboard “Giant in His Field,” said he was surprised by the win. “After getting past the surprise, I was very happy,” he said. “It gave me encouragement to continue working with that difficult screen-printing technique for adding color. And thanks to Dennis Babbitt for picking my work for an award.”
Daniel Fishback won The David Cornell Composition Award. “I was pleasantly shocked to win,” he said, adding that it was his second year in a row earning the award. Fishback knew Cornell for many years and said he has fond memories of painting plein air with him and his son, HAC Director Shawn Cornell, on Sundays. “He was a very excellent artist who was very kind and generous with his time, always offering suggestions for improvement.” Fishback was also awarded Signature Membership.
In addition to the awards, guests enjoyed a delicious array of food and beverages, another signature of Heartland Art Club’s hospitality. Additional credit goes out to Shawn Cornell, for installing small cooling fans just in time for the summer reception.
Award Recipients:

Daniel Fishback won the David Cornell Composition Award for “Harmony House.”

First Place – Michael Halbert, “Giant Farmer in His Field,” scratchboard with color

Second Place – Lon Brauer, “Aspen Explosion,” oil

Third Place – Steve Morris, “Nest With 3 Eggs,” watercolor

David Cornell Composition Award – Daniel Fishback, “Harmony House,” oil

Spencer Meagher Use of Light Award – Jane Flanders, “Hostas,” acrylic

Honorable Mention – Carolyn Karasek, “Raven to Raven,” oil

Honorable Mention – Susan Wehrman, “J9,” pastel

Signature Status Achievement Award – Keith Baizer, “Ash Natural Edge Bowl,” turned wood.

People’s Choice winner. Marita Gaines and “Golden Harmony”
New Signature Members:
Julie Barbeau, Keith Bazier, Jo Jasper Dean, Steven Edwards, Daniel Fishback, Gretchen Didelot Gackstatter, Trudy Guinther, Ruben Hight, Steve Morris, Connie Schmidt, Margaret Schneider, Douglas Simes.