Member Directory

All members of Heartland Art Club, listed alphabetically by last name.

Founding Members

Founding Members are the individuals who signed up for membership at the launch of the Club, with a $100 contribution. Founding Membership is an honorary lifetime distinction acknowledging the contributions of these individuals to get the Club up and running. It does not affect General, Signature, or Master level Membership status.

Thank you very much to all of our Founding Members! With your support, Heartland Art Club was able to successfully launch and finance our very first events, shows, and workshops.

We couldn’t have done it without you!

  1. John Ahearn
  2. Cynthia Allen
  3. Travis Michael Bailey
  4. Keith Baizer
  5. Celeste Blumer
  6. Erin Blumer
  7. Ken Blumer
  8. Lynn Bozzay
  9. Marilynne Bradley
  10. Judith Brauer
  11. Bill Brenner
  12. Sandy Brooks
  13. Veronica Brown
  14. Jules Budd
  15. Pat Burrell-Standley
  16. Donna Carrillo
  17. Ruben Carrillo
  18. Evan Church
  19. David Cornell
  20. Lynette Cornell
  21. Shawn Cornell
  22. Marty Coulter
  23. Kay Crain
  24. Marie Donato
  25. Mary Drastal
  26. Kelly Eddington
  27. Susanne Evens
  28. Leslie Faust
  29. Jacqueline Fett
  30. Daniel Fishback
  31. Angie Franco
  32. Gary Gackstatter
  33. Marita Gaines
  34. Robert Garlock
  35. Ronald Garnier
  36. Rebecca Green
  37. Trudy Guinther
  38. Frank Guyol
  39. Janice Hager-Klein
  40. Michael Halbert
  41. David Haley
  42. Ellen Harms
  43. Petra Haynes
  44. Bryan Haynes
  45. Sandy Haynes
  46. Rose Anne Huck
  47. David Huth
  48. Amy Jamison
  49. Jo Ann Kargus
  50. Allen Kriegshauser
  51. Dimitrina Kutriansky
  52. Kalina Kutriansky
  53. Sharon Larson
  54. Larry Leiker
  55. Nancy Lipari
  56. Richard Lodholz
  57. Rita Lodholz
  58. Amalia Lottes
  59. Tracey Maras
  60. Vic Mastis
  61. Fran McDaniel
  62. Lorraine McFarland
  63. Garry McMichael
  64. Spencer Meagher
  65. Abraham Mohler
  66. Maliha Mohyuddin
  67. Gwendolyn Moore
  68. Steve Morris
  69. Leslie Morse
  70. Patrick Murphy
  71. Carolyn Needles
  72. Georganne Nixon
  73. Lisa Ober
  74. Billyo O’Donnell
  75. Joseph Orr
  76. Frances Pike
  77. Terry Pirrong
  78. Ranko Radoman
  79. Karen Raidy
  80. Debbie Rathert
  81. Susan Rogers
  82. Gino Santa Maria
  83. Nora Schomogy
  84. Jane Sehnert
  85. Jo Seltzer
  86. Jim Serrett
  87. Bob Shay
  88. Chris Sheppard
  89. Pat Sheppard
  90. Dexter Silvers
  91. Neal Slaten
  92. Linda Smith
  93. Lee Streett
  94. Judy Stroup
  95. Jennifer Suits
  96. Russell Vanecek
  97. Alejandra Velasco
  98. Margaret von Kaenel
  99. Dawn Wagner
  100. Jerry Walters
  101. Kathlene Warner
  102. Susan Wehrman
  103. Michele Wells
  104. Tim Welsh
  105. Deborah Whytock
  106. John Whytock
  107. Julie Wiegand
  108. Jody Williams

All Members

Signature Members are marked with an asterisk (*)
