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Ticket - BS Business Saturday - Canva! Another tool
$ 5.00
50 available

Does an artist need to use Photoshop or Illustrator to help promote their business? The answer is no, there is a tool out there artists can use to put together really cool graphics to get their message out there. The name of this tool is called Canva. Join James Bruenger on Business Saturday, October 26, at 1:30 pm at the Hearrtland Art Club where he will show how artists can use Canva to help promote their art business.

James Bruenger holds a B.A. in Fine Art with a concentration in Computer Graphics from Marygrove College, Detroit, MI, and has more than 25 years of graphic design experience working in positions such as Art Director, Senior Graphic Designer, Graphics Project Manager, Manager of Technology, Graphic Department Coordinator, and Web Master. Currently he is a full-time college professor teaching graphic design and fine art including being the Graphic Department Head at Siba-Stevens Institute of Business and Arts. As well James is the Gallery Director at STLCC Forest Park Gallery of Contemporary Art, and an adjunct professor at STLCC.

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